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[书籍] 电子书:MySQL存储过程编程(英文、中文版)

发表于 2009-3-18 10:23:07 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

MySQL Stored Procedure Programming
By Steven Feuerstein, Guy Harrison
Publisher: O'Reilly
Pub Date: March 2006
Print ISBN-10: 0-596-10089-2
Print ISBN-13: 978-0-59-610089-6
Pages: 636


原著:Steven Feuerstein, Guy Harrison

翻译作者:  (MySQLpub.com版主)

     MySQL Stored Procedure Programming
     Advance Praise for MySQL Stored Procedure Programming
        Objectives of This Book
        Structure of This Book
        What This Book Does Not Cover
        Conventions Used in This Book
        Which Version?
        Resources Available at the Book's Web Site
        Using Code Examples
        Safari Enabled
        How to Contact Us
     Part I:  Stored Programming Fundamentals
            Chapter 1.  Introduction to MySQL Stored Programs
        Section 1.1.  What Is a Stored Program?
        Section 1.2.  A Quick Tour
        Section 1.3.  Resources for Developers Using Stored Programs
        Section 1.4.  Some Words of Advice for Developers
        Section 1.5.  Conclusion
            Chapter 2.  MySQL Stored Programming Tutorial
        Section 2.1.  What You Will Need
        Section 2.2.  Our First Stored Procedure
        Section 2.3.  Variables
        Section 2.4.  Parameters
        Section 2.5.  Conditional Execution
        Section 2.6.  Loops
        Section 2.7.  Dealing with Errors
        Section 2.8.  Interacting with the Database
        Section 2.9.  Calling Stored Programs from Stored Programs
        Section 2.10.  Putting It All Together
        Section 2.11.  Stored Functions
        Section 2.12.  Triggers
        Section 2.13.  Calling a Stored Procedure from PHP
        Section 2.14.  Conclusion
            Chapter 3.  Language Fundamentals
        Section 3.1.  Variables, Literals, Parameters, and Comments
        Section 3.2.  Operators
        Section 3.3.  Expressions
        Section 3.4.  Built-in Functions
        Section 3.5.  Data Types
        Section 3.6.  MySQL 5 "Strict" Mode
        Section 3.7.  Conclusion
            Chapter 4.  Blocks, Conditional Statements, and Iterative Programming
        Section 4.1.  Block Structure of Stored Programs
        Section 4.2.  Conditional Control
        Section 4.3.  Iterative Processing with Loops
        Section 4.4.  Conclusion
            Chapter 5.  Using SQL in Stored Programming
        Section 5.1.  Using Non-SELECT SQL in Stored Programs
        Section 5.2.  Using SELECT Statements with an INTO Clause
        Section 5.3.  Creating and Using Cursors
        Section 5.4.  Using Unbounded SELECT Statements
        Section 5.5.  Performing Dynamic SQL with Prepared Statements
        Section 5.6.  Handling SQL Errors: A Preview
        Section 5.7.  Conclusion
            Chapter 6.  Error Handling
        Section 6.1.  Introduction to Error Handling
        Section 6.2.  Condition Handlers
        Section 6.3.  Named Conditions
        Section 6.4.  Missing SQL:2003 Features
        Section 6.5.  Putting It All Together
        Section 6.6.  Handling Stored Program Errors in the Calling Application
        Section 6.7.  Conclusion
     Part II:  Stored Program Construction
            Chapter 7.  Creating and Maintaining Stored Programs
        Section 7.1.  Creating Stored Programs
        Section 7.2.  Editing an Existing Stored Program
        Section 7.3.  SQL Statements for Managing Stored Programs
        Section 7.4.  Getting Information About Stored Programs
        Section 7.5.  Conclusion
            Chapter 8.  Transaction Management
        Section 8.1.  Transactional Support in MySQL
        Section 8.2.  Defining a Transaction
        Section 8.3.  Working with Savepoints
        Section 8.4.  Transactions and Locks
        Section 8.5.  Transaction Design Guidelines
        Section 8.6.  Conclusion
            Chapter 9.  MySQL Built-in Functions
        Section 9.1.  String Functions
        Section 9.2.  Numeric Functions
        Section 9.3.  Date and Time Functions
        Section 9.4.  Other Functions
        Section 9.5.  Conclusion
            Chapter 10.  Stored Functions
        Section 10.1.  Creating Stored Functions
        Section 10.2.  SQL Statements in Stored Functions
        Section 10.3.  Calling Stored Functions
        Section 10.4.  Using Stored Functions in SQL
        Section 10.5.  Conclusion
            Chapter 11.  Triggers
        Section 11.1.  Creating Triggers
        Section 11.2.  Using Triggers
        Section 11.3.  Trigger Overhead
        Section 11.4.  Conclusion
     Part III:  Using MySQL Stored Programs in Applications
            Chapter 12.  Using MySQL Stored Programs in Applications
        Section 12.1.  The Pros and Cons of Stored Programs in Modern Applications
        Section 12.2.  Advantages of Stored Programs
        Section 12.3.  Disadvantages of Stored Programs
        Section 12.4.  Calling Stored Programs from Application Code
        Section 12.5.  Conclusion
            Chapter 13.  Using MySQL Stored Programs with PHP
        Section 13.1.  Options for Using MySQL with PHP
        Section 13.2.  Using PHP with the mysqli Extension
        Section 13.3.  Using MySQL with PHP Data Objects
        Section 13.4.  Conclusion
            Chapter 14.  Using MySQL Stored Programs with Java
        Section 14.1.  Review of JDBC Basics
        Section 14.2.  Using Stored Programs in JDBC
        Section 14.3.  Stored Programs and J2EE Applications
        Section 14.4.  Using Stored Procedures with Hibernate
        Section 14.5.  Using Stored Procedures with Spring
        Section 14.6.  Conclusion
            Chapter 15.  Using MySQL Stored Programs with Perl
        Section 15.1.  Review of Perl DBD::mysql Basics
        Section 15.2.  Executing Stored Programs with DBD::mysql
        Section 15.3.  Conclusion
            Chapter 16.  Using MySQL Stored Programs with Python
        Section 16.1.  Installing the MySQLdb Extension
        Section 16.2.  MySQLdb Basics
        Section 16.3.  Using Stored Programs with MySQLdb
        Section 16.4.  A Complete Example
        Section 16.5.  Conclusion
            Chapter 17.  Using MySQL Stored Programs with .NET
        Section 17.1.  Review of ADO.NET Basics
        Section 17.2.  Using Stored Programs in ADO.NET
        Section 17.3.  Using Stored Programs in ASP.NET
        Section 17.4.  Conclusion
     Part IV:  Optimizing Stored Programs
            Chapter 18.  Stored Program Security
        Section 18.1.  Permissions Required for Stored Programs
        Section 18.2.  Execution Mode Options for Stored Programs
        Section 18.3.  Stored Programs and Code Injection
        Section 18.4.  Conclusion
            Chapter 19.  Tuning Stored Programs and Their SQL
        Section 19.1.  Why SQL Tuning Is So Important
        Section 19.2.  How MySQL Processes SQL
        Section 19.3.  SQL Tuning Statements and Practices
        Section 19.4.  About the Upcoming Examples
        Section 19.5.  Conclusion
            Chapter 20.  Basic SQL Tuning
        Section 20.1.  Tuning Table Access
        Section 20.2.  Tuning Joins
        Section 20.3.  Conclusion
            Chapter 21.  Advanced SQL Tuning
        Section 21.1.  Tuning Subqueries
        Section 21.2.  Tuning "Anti-Joins" Using Subqueries
        Section 21.3.  Tuning Subqueries in the FROM Clause
        Section 21.4.  Tuning ORDER and GROUP BY
        Section 21.5.  Tuning DML (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE)
        Section 21.6.  Conclusion
            Chapter 22.  Optimizing Stored Program Code
        Section 22.1.  Performance Characteristics of Stored Programs
        Section 22.2.  How Fast Is the Stored Program Language?
        Section 22.3.  Reducing Network Traffic with Stored Programs
        Section 22.4.  Stored Programs as an Alternative to Expensive SQL
        Section 22.5.  Optimizing Loops
        Section 22.6.  IF and CASE Statements
        Section 22.7.  Recursion
        Section 22.8.  Cursors
        Section 22.9.  Trigger Overhead
        Section 22.10.  Conclusion
            Chapter 23.  Best Practices in MySQL Stored Program Development
        Section 23.1.  The Development Process
        Section 23.2.  Coding Style and Conventions
        Section 23.3.  Variables
        Section 23.4.  Conditional Logic
        Section 23.5.  Loop Processing
        Section 23.6.  Exception Handling
        Section 23.7.  SQL in Stored Programs
        Section 23.8.  Dynamic SQL
        Section 23.9.  Program Construction
        Section 23.10.  Performance
        Section 23.11.  Conclusion

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